Service of the Infiniti QX4 since 1996 of release
1. Introduction
2. Maintenance instruction
3. Routine maintenance
4. Engine
5. Cooling system and heating
5.1. Specifications
5.2. Antifreeze - general information
5.3. Service of the cooling system
5.4. Removal, installation and check of serviceability of functioning of the thermostat
5.5. Removal, recovery repair and installation of a radiator of the cooling system
5.6. Replacement of the water pump
5.7. Removal and installation of the fan of the cooling system
5.8. Air ducts of distribution of the air given to salon
5.9. System of automatic air conditioning – a design and the principle of functioning
5.10. Structure of the refrigerator highway of the air conditioning system
5.11. The K/V compressor, - the general information and the principle of functioning
5.12. A receiver dehumidifier - the general information and service
5.13. Check of serviceability of functioning and service of systems of heating and air conditioning
5.14. Diagnostics of the air conditioning system
6. Feed and control systems
7. Systems of start and charge
8. Transmission line
9. Brake system
10. Suspension bracket and steering
11. Body
12. Electric equipment


5.5. Removal, recovery repair and installation of a radiator of the cooling system

Do not start performing procedures before full cooling of the engine. See also prevention in the section Antifreeze - general information.


Scheme of installation of a radiator of the cooling system



  1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
  2. Cock the parking brake and prop up back wheels antiretractable boots. A car front also establish to Poddomkratta it on props (see the illustration Scheme of an Institution of Props for fixing of the car in the lifted situation). Remove the lower antispray screen of a motive compartment.
  3. Empty the cooling system (see the Head Routine maintenance) — if replacement of mix was made recently, keep it for further use (see Antifreeze - general information, the Prevention).
  4. Remove the air sleeve going from the sensor of measurement of mass of air (MAF) to the throttle case.
  5. Disconnect the top and lower radiator hoses.
  6. Disconnect from a radiator of the line of a path of cooling of ATF — prepare for collecting the spilled liquid, at once a zakuporta the open ends of tubes and unions.
  7. Remove the lower section of a casing of the fan of the cooling system.
  8. Disconnect an overflow hose of a broad tank.
  9. Carefully remove a radiator and take it from a motive compartment. Try not to spill cooling liquid on the painted body panels and do not cut fingers about sharp plates of the heat exchanger.
  10. After removal from the car the radiator can be checked for existence of signs of leaks, damages and violations of internal passability of the heat exchanger. Any repair has to be made only in the conditions of a specialized workshop with use of the necessary equipment.
  11. Remains of insects and vegetation can be removed from space between heat exchanger plates by blowing by compressed air (do not forget to put on goggles!), or cleaning out by a soft brush. Try not to bend thin plates of the heat exchanger and not to cut about them fingers.
  12. Check a condition of rubber support of a radiator, in case of need make replacement of the failed components.


Radiator design



  1. Fix on sponges of special nippers a remote nozzle 1.5 mm thick, 18 mm wide and 8.5 mm long. Make sure that the gap of a smykaniye of sponges of nippers of N makes about 7.6 mm — in case of need correct the smykaniye course by means of a nozzle.
  1. By means of the special tool remove the top tank of a radiator — at bending back of a curved edge of a tank up nippers have to slide off. In hard-to-reach spots bending back of fixing edge can be made by means of the screw-driver — try not to damage a tank.

    A — Removal of a radiator tank
    B — At bending back of fixing edge up nippers have to slide off automatically



Do not unbend edge stronger, than it is really necessary for removal of a tank!

  1. Having made sure that fixing edge on all perimeter will bend top, remove ATF cooler from the heat exchanger.


Scheme of occupation of the fixing region sponges of nippers



  1. Establish into place ATF cooler, pay attention to correctness of installation of a conic washer.
  1. Smooth out the landing surface of the heat exchanger, having carefully blown it compressed air.
  1. Lay a new sealant — fill an element only with fingers, try not to damage rubber. Track that the rubber sealing element was not overwound.
  1. Fuller fixing edge of a tank in strictly certain places — track correctness of capture of metal sponges of nippers (see the illustration Scheme of Occupation of the Fixing Region sponges of nippers). In places, remote for nippers, bend fixing edge of a tank by means of flat-nose pliers.
  1. Make sure that the fixing edge is bent properly on all perimeter.

Tightness check


  1. Through a jellied mouth pump in a radiator air under the pressure of 157 kPa, a suitable hose close among themselves reception unions of a cooler of ATF.
  1. Then omit assembly in the capacity filled with water for check of its tightness.
  1. In case of need correct a bend of fixing edge of a tank.



  1. Installation is made as it should be, the return to an order of dismantle of components — track correctness of placement of a radiator on the support.
  2. On completion of installation fill in in system cooling liquid of the required structure (see the Head Routine maintenance), in case of need release from a path air traffic jams via the special final gate.
  3. Start the engine and check it for existence of signs of leaks. Warm up the engine up to the normal working temperature (both hoses of a radiator have to become hot to the touch). Check the level of cooling liquid, in case of need add the corresponding amount of mix.
  4. Check the ATF level, in case of need add (see the Head Routine maintenance).
  1. In conclusion check tightness of a cover of a jellied mouth of a radiator pressure.

"on the page back
5.4. Removal, installation and check of serviceability of functioning of the thermostat
on the following page"
5.6. Replacement of the water pump