5.6. Replacement of the water pump
Details of installation of the water pump
The refusal of functioning of the water pump is capable to cause the most serious consequences, up to full jamming of the engine as a result of an overheat.
At failure of bearings of a shaft of the pump in operating time of the engine in its forward part there can be a howling sound which should not be confused to the whistle published by a driving belt when easing effort of its tension. Wear of the bearing can be revealed on existence of a side play when rocking a pulley of the pump (do not forget to switch off before the engine).
At failure the water pump is subject to replacement without fail. As replaceable it can be used both the new, and restored assembly.
- Empty the cooling system (see the Head Routine maintenance) — if replacement of mix was made recently, keep it for further use (see Antifreeze - general information, the Prevention).
- Remove top and lower radiator hoses and a casing of the fan of the cooling system.
- Take off belts of the drive of auxiliary units.
- Remove a pulley of the water pump.
- Remove a pulley of a bent shaft both the top and lower section of a forward cover of the GRM drive (see Replacement of a belt of the GRM drive).
- Turn out fixing bolts and remove assembly of the water pump (see an illustration of the Detail of installation of the water pump) — try not to allow hits of cooling liquid on a gas-distributing belt.
- The water pump is not subject to recovery repair and in case of failure has to be replaced assembled.
- Attentively examine a pump housing on existence of traces of leaks and signs of development of corrosion. Check freedom of rotation of the pump and estimate sizes of radial and axial side plays of a shaft.
- Installation is made upside-down — track correctness of connection of hoses and reliability of fastening by their collars on unions. In order to avoid deformation of a cover of the GRM drive make sure that the collar of fastening of a hose does not rest against it.
- In conclusion start the engine and check the cooling system for existence of signs of development of leaks.