Service of the Infiniti QX4 since 1996 of release
1. Introduction
2. Maintenance instruction
3. Routine maintenance
4. Engine
5. Cooling system and heating
6. Feed and control systems
7. Systems of start and charge
8. Transmission line
9. Brake system
10. Suspension bracket and steering
10.1. Specifications
10.2. Assessment of the general condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering of the car
10.3. Check of a state and replacement of spherical support of a forward suspension bracket
10.4. Check of a condition of steering drafts
10.5. Removal and installation of the cross lever of a forward suspension bracket
10.6. Adjustment of a pretightness of stupichny bearings of forward wheels
10.7. Removal, check of a state and installation of screw springs and rack-mount assemblies of a forward suspension bracket
10.8. Removal and installation of stupichny assembly and rotary fist
10.9. Removal, check of a state and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross stability
10:10. Replacement of stupichny bearings
10:11. Check of a condition of shock-absorbers and springs of a back suspension bracket
10:12. Removal and installation of components and assembly of a back suspension bracket
10:13. Removal, check of a state and installation of levers of a back suspension bracket
10:14. Removal, check of a state and installation of screw springs of a back suspension bracket
10:15. Removal and installation of shock-absorbers of a back suspension bracket
10:16. Removal and installation of the back stabilizer of cross stability
10:17. Removal, check of a state and installation of a cross jet bar of a back suspension bracket
10:18. Pumping of a hydraulic path of the steering drive
10:19. Checks and adjustments of a steering wheel
10:20. Check of effort of resistance to sliding of a lath of the steering mechanism
10:21. Adjustment of torque of a provorachivaniye of the leading gear wheel of the steering mechanism
10:22. Check of hydraulic pressure of GUR
10:23. Adjustment of effort of a tension of a belt of the drive of the steering pump
10:24. Removal and installation of reduktorny assembly
10:25. Removal and installation of assembly of the steering mechanism
10:26. Removal and installation of the steering pump
10:27. Removal and installation of a steering wheel
10:28. Removal and installation of assembly of the combined understeering switches
10:29. Removal and installation of the lock of ignition / blocking of a steering column
10:30. Removal, check of a state and installation of a steering column
10:31. Angles of installation of forward wheels
11. Body
12. Electric equipment


10.1. Specifications

Separate parameters are specified also in the text of the Head and in case of obligation of their performance are highlighted in bold type.




  • Forward suspension bracket

Completely independent, with McPherson's racks, the stabilizer of cross stability

  • Back suspension bracket

Zhyostky Bridge, jet bar and four levers, stabilizer of cross stability

  • Steering

The hydrostrengthened rack transfer, two cross steering drafts

GUR system liquid type

Dexron II, IIE, III

Volume of hydraulic liquid, l


Height of a road gleam (cm. illustration Assessment of a Condition of Screw Springs), mm

  • Wheels 235/70 R15
    • Forward suspension bracket (Hf)


    • Back suspension bracket (Hr)


  • Wheels 265/70 R15
    • Forward suspension bracket (Hf)


    • Back suspension bracket (Hr)


Forward suspension bracket

Spherical support

Cm. illustration Assessment of a Side Play of Landing of a Wheel.



Extreme admissible size of an axial side play, mm


Resistance to a side deviation of a shaft of a spherical finger, kgf

0.8 — 7.8

Torque of axial rotation of a shaft of a spherical finger, Nanometer

0.5 — 5.0

Wheel bearings



Size of a pretightness, kgf

0.7 — 2.1


Adjustment of a tension of a belt of the drive of the steering pump



Belt deflection size at effort of 10 kgfs, mm

  • New belt

8.9 — 9.9

  • The belt which was in the use

10.9 — 13.0

Steering drive

See Check of a condition of steering drafts.



Dimensional characteristics, mm

  • Length of draft (L)


  • Point of measurement of effort of resistance to side deviations (I)


  • Size of axial side plays (C), mm
    • Hinge of an internal tip


    • Hinge of an external tip


Torque of axial rotation of a spherical finger of an external tip (V), Nanometer

0.3 — 2.9

Resistance to side deviations (A), kgf

  • Draft (in a point of measurement of I)

0.39 — 3.24

  • Sharovy finger

0.49 — 4.71

Rack steering mechanism



Effort of sliding of a lath *, kgf

14 — 26

Course of a lath, mm


Effort of a provorachivaniye of the leading gear wheel, Nanometer


Average value

0.8 — 1.5

The maximum difference of torque at a provorachivaniye from an emphasis against the stop


* It is measured with a normal hydraulic pressure in a path of GUR at a pulling of steering draft from the neutral provision of a lath at a size of 11.11 mm from speed of 3.17 mm/page.

System of hydrostrengthening



Pressure in a hydraulic path, kgf/cm 2

88 — 94

Steering column

See Removal, check of a state and installation of a steering column.



Geometrical characteristics, mm

  • Length of the top shaft (L1)

700.3 — 704.3

  • Length of the lower shaft (L2)

178.0 — 180.0

  • Length of the top cardan hinge (L3)

430.8 — 432.8

Geometrical characteristics of the driving mechanism of adjustment of an inclination of a column, mm

  • "0" - "And"


  • "0" - "In"


Angles of installation of wheels



Disorder, hail

  • The allowed range

- 0.58 — 0.92

Corner of a longitudinal inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel (выбег), hail

  • The allowed range

2.25 — 3.75

Convergence, hail

  • The allowed range

0.08 — 0.24

Convergence, mm

  • The allowed range

1.0 — 3.0

Divergence corner at turn of wheels on 20 °, a hail

  • The allowed range
    • Internal wheel

30 — 34

    • External wheel

28 — 32

Corner of a cross inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel, hail

  • The allowed range

14:33 ± 0.75

Efforts of tightening of threaded connections, Nanometer

Connection type


Nuts of fastening of wheels

118 — 146

Forward suspension bracket

Connection type


Bolts of fastening of supports of brake mechanisms to a rotary fist

72 — 98

Bolts of fastening of naves of free rotation to stupichny assemblies

24 — 34

Bolts of fastening of brake disks to stupichny assemblies

49 — 69

Nuts of fastening of spherical support to rotary fists

118 — 167

Bolts of fastening of spherical support to cross levers of a suspension bracket

103 — 127

Bolts of fastening of basic arms of the stabilizer of cross stability

62 — 88

Nuts of fastening of racks of the stabilizer of cross stability

83 — 103

Nuts of piston rods of shock-absorbers

58 — 79

Nuts of fastening of the top support of racks of a suspension bracket

39 — 54

Nuts of bolts of fastening of the lower support of racks of a suspension bracket to rotary fists

151 — 165

Buffers of the course of compression of racks

21 — 26

Fastening nuts to rotary fists of tips of steering drafts

64 — 108

Nuts of fastening of cross levers of a suspension bracket to a car body

94 — 103

Back suspension bracket

Connection type


Nuts of fastening of the lower levers

140 — 157

Nuts of fastening of the top levers

140 — 157

Bolts of fastening of the right end of a jet bar to an arm of the back bridge

108 — 127

Bolts of fastening of the left end of a jet bar to a frame

140 — 157

Bolts / nut of fastening of the lower support of shock-absorbers

67 — 88

Nuts of fastening of the top support of shock-absorbers

59 — 78

Bolts of collars / plugs of fastening shock-absorber hoses

25 — 32

Bolts of fastening of racks of the stabilizer of cross resistance to a frame

25 — 32

Nuts of fastening of racks of the stabilizer of cross resistance to an arm

25 — 32

Nuts of fastening of racks of the stabilizer of cross resistance to a stabilizer bar

41 — 47


Steering pump

Connection type


Bolts of fastening of an arm

14 — 18

Bolt of fastening of the operating valve

69 — 78

Bolt of the nipple socket of a hydraulic hose

36 — 51

Nut of fastening of a pulley

54 — 68

Bolts of fastening of a back cover

14 — 18

Bolt of fastening of the soaking-up tube

14 — 18

Steering mechanism and drive

Connection type


Lock-nut of the adjusting screw of the steering mechanism

49 — 69

Fastening of a face cover of the steering mechanism

58 — 73

Nipple sockets of hydraulic lines

10 — 16

Bolt of fastening of the lower hinge to a shaft of the leading gear wheel

24 — 29

Bolt of fastening of a back cover of a case

20 — 19

Bolts of fastening of assembly of the steering mechanism

118 — 137

Internal tips of steering drafts

118 — 147

Lock-nuts of tips of steering drafts

64 — 108

Cap nuts of nipple connections

  • Low pressure path

30 — 25

  • High-pressure path

30 — 35

Nuts of fastening of tips of steering thirsts for rotary fists

64 — 69

Steering column

Connection type


Bolts of fastening of the module of a safety cushion

13 — 25

Bolt of the flexible hinge

23 — 30

Bolt of the lower cardan U-shaped hinge

23 — 30

Lock nut of a shaft of a steering column

25 — 34

Nut of fastening of a steering wheel

30 — 39

Bolts of the top basic arm

12 — 18

Bolt of the top cardan U-shaped hinge

23 — 30

Nuts of fastening of the panel of a floor / boot

9 — 12

"on the page back
10. Suspension bracket and steering
on the following page"
10.2. Assessment of the general condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering of the car